Trademark law is federal protection of your brand that covers the entire United States. Registering your brand/company name with the Secretary of your State does not protect you from some one else registering the same name in another State. Typically, registering with the Secretary of your State provides limited protection such that your State would not register the same brand name/company name to another person, but that's as far as the State registration goes. Which means, your brand/company name can be registered in another State and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it UNLESS you have FEDERAL Protection with the United States Patent & Trademark Office. We specialize in Trademark Law!Let us help you protect your brand on a national level by applying for federal registration with the USPTO.
Copyright Law is federal protection of your original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, etc. Federal protection of your original works assigns you with an exclusive set of rights to make and sell copies of your work, to create derivative work, and to perform or display your work publicly.
Book an appointment today and let us apply for national protection for your brand!